Estate Planning Services

Helping individuals develop a plan for the future that protects their legacy, assets and loved ones.


Protect your lifetime legacy

Your wealth has taken you a lifetime to accumulate. At Stantins, we understand the importance of making sure your loved ones are taken care of after you’re gone. Having a comprehensive estate plan ensures that your assets are protected and distributed in the way you intended.

The estate planning process involves a complex web of legal, financial. and tax considerations. It can be easy to make a mistake that has detrimental consequences. Our team of financial experts is here to assist you in navigating the complexities of estate planning and provide you with valuable guidance. You will have peace of mind knowing that your plan is thorough and reflects the values that are important to you.

Achieve true peace of mind

Every person’s estate planning needs are unique. We’re dedicated to helping individuals protect their hard-earned wealth and loved ones after they’re gone.

To achieve true peace of mind, it’s best to start working on your estate plan as early as possible. At Stantins, we’ve worked with individuals at many different stages of life.

Protect your life’s work

Preserve your assets and wealth

Remain in control of your decision making

Adjust your will as your life changes

Identify and prevent risks involved

Why Stantins?

We’re dedicated to helping businesses establish strong financial foundations from the offset and continuing to provide support as your business evolves.

Stantins is more than just providing expert financial advice and accounting services. We look to build long-lasting relationships with our clients and become a trusted partner of your business that you can rely on. Our services exist to help business owners understand how to make the best financial and structural decisions and to make a meaningful impact on the success of our client’s companies.

For small to medium businesses, multi-
generational companies, start-ups and scale-ups

We work with a range of industries, these are their stories and the mountains we have helped them climb.

Private Clients

Private Clients
To accrue someone that can help with compliance administration work.
Wanting to work with someone that is knowledgeable of business compliance and regulation, allowing time to focus on other core business activities.

Startups &

Startups & scaleups
To grow the business in the next 12 months.
Wanting to understand how the current structure of the business is restricting financial growth and how to smoothly transition to a structure that will optimise business success.

Small-to-Medium Businesses

Small to Medium Businesses
To sell the business in the next 6 months.
Wanting an advisor that will champion her business and provide expert guidance on how to maximise business valuation, but also protect the business’ current team of employees.

Family/Multi-Generational Businesses

Family / Multi-
Generational businesses
To invest in new equipment and technology.
Wanting to weigh up all their options when it comes to borrowing money for new equipment and have a plan in place to pay back the loan.

Ready to start climbing your mountain?

Enquire to start your financial freedom journey.
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